Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cooking outside the Box

Shortly after discovering that I had a gluten allergy, I was at home, wondering what on earth I was going to eat. There is of food in the house. Pasta, bread, crackers, some veggies, soup, but I desperatly need to do some shopping. The problem being, most stuff is made with, or thickened with wheat flour. So I look carefully, an egg, rice crackers, but nothing else to put on them, and it hardly qualifies as a meal. All the soups are noodle somethings, or creamed. Since I'm newly allergic, I have nothing as far as gluten free breads, flours or the like in my pantry. Ugh, think outside the box. I have salad, AGAIN, so what can I put with the salad to add some variety. There are no chicken breasts hiding in the back of the freezer. Sigh. I went for a quick walk, because maybe the wild puff balls were ready. And sure enough, they are! Beautiful fat pearls in the grass! I walk, poking them as I go, spongy ones got to stay and spore out. But the ones that were firm, and broke the ground with a solid snap, those are my delicious little nuggets of happiness. When I get back inside with a good helping of mushrooms, I have to decide just what to do with them. Egg, rice crackers, oil, sea salt, mmmm. The rice crackers are crushed, and the sliced mushrooms coated with egg and the cracker crumbs. Once the oil is hot, I fry the little discs in olive oil until they are golden and crispy. With a dash of pepper and sea salt, they grace the plate next to my salad of field greens. Fantastic!

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