Thursday, May 23, 2013

Who am I

Now, should this be an honest snap shot of who I really am? Or should this be an over analyzed, identity crisis typed out in all it's glory? I could say I am an artist, or a horse person, I could say I am religious, an author, a traveler, or a welder, or pastry chef. But does that really tell you anything about me? I can say that I paint abstract art while listening to punk rock, and like drive to classical piano bu weld in silence. I ride horse in skater shoes and a hoodie. I have seldom chanced to be out of the country, and wish I could travel a lot, even though flying makes me ill. Now that tells you a little bit more about me. But at the same time, it tells you nothing, except that I am a walking contradiction.
I do not want to be known as 'An Artist' or 'A Horse Person'. I simply do not fit in any box, and I am pretty sure I would hate it if I did. For instance, would you like a list of things I have done in a dress and heels? Run, pound a fence post, push a stuck car, and shoot a gun.
I put down an animal when it needed to be done, and then balled my eyes out. I am a little girl when there is a spider on the ceiling, or anything to do with mucus.
If I knew why I did any of these thing, then that would be the really telling part about who I am. 
Do I refuse to fit into a box because somewhere deep inside I feel that I am not good enough at anything to fit properly into any box? Do I bounce to the tune of my own bird song because I am not sure I could keep rhythm with anyone else’s music, or because I don't like anybody else’s music?
There could be an entirely different angle too. Am I atypical to get attention? Then again it could be to keep people on their toes, so they never really get to know me. This would make sense given my ingrained abandonment issues. But that is a topic for an entirely different blogging day.

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