Friday, August 20, 2010

Life Themes

There is no theme to life. Not really, we may be sisters, daughters, mothers, (not me) friends, wives, co-workers. Maybe we are lawyers, janitors, doctors, or barmaids. None of these are themes.
We may love dogs, cat, horses... now that, that can almost become a theme. If we get wrapped up in showing, breeding, and competing. If our house is a menagerie of little puppy/kitty/horsey coat-hooks/watches/art/doormats/fridge magnets, that might be like a theme.
But is it healthy? Since a theme is what everything else is based on, should one single thing in life guide every aspect? I write that, I know. YES absolutely.
But not our role in life, not our work, family members or anything physical at all. Because none of those things can flow into everything. Simply being a sister, we might be a great sister, won't encourage us not to steal things from work or lie about an animals training or breeding to make a sale. And owning a wonderful pet may make us value the life of animals, but will it help us treat our mom with respect or keep a friend's confidence? Making something physical our life theme, may very well damage all other areas of life. "Workaholic" has become a common phrase, concerning someone who tends to neglect family, friends, and pets alike, in favour or their job.
So, what theme will guide our relationships to success, and make us honest, hardworkers? What will make sure we play fair, stay balanced and look after our responsibilities properly? It is our values, our beliefs. The set of standards we hold ourselves to and know are right.

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