Friday, August 20, 2010


Have you ever seen the side of a house that is covered with vines? It reaches along each tiny seam , winding up along little nooks and crannies, following no specific route except UP! It clings to every cleft, wrapping it's self snuggly around whatever hold it needs to get UP! And all the while it is pulling fresh nutrients from the ground and profusely pushing out leaves and blossoms to share with the world. It never takes a break, night falls, it may tuck away its flash flowers, as it continues its diligent climb UP!
As long as the house is built for it, the vine causes no damage in it's persistent, endeavour. In fact, as it slowly blankets the wall with it's lush foliage, it creates an insulation of sorts. Keeping the sun off the brick, allowing the house to stay cooler in the summer heat. Sometimes the vine even has blossoms that perfume the air seductively. But it's only goal, is UP!
Only when winter comes, and the vine stands naked in the cold, does it wait. Maybe it even dies back to the ground. However, when the warmth returns, the trek is once again taken with vigor, UP! UP! UP!

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