Sunday, September 12, 2010

Alternate Dimensions

There are all sorts of movies, books, and theories regarding alternate dimensions. Sometimes they are scary stories about creepy things that slip through an entryway to another reality. Or intriguing ideas of a parallel universe that branches with every different decisions we make.

This other place is supposed to develop and run along side of our own. Is that possible? Does it exist?

Could the very beings of this world move among us unseen? Are they unaware of us? Do they speculate about our lives, the things that we do? Or, do they move around us, well aware of our behaviour, observing our antics?

Evolutionist would dispute whether that was a scientific possiblity. People with religious beliefs would probably say no, that such a place was not created.

I cannot address the ideas of an evolutionist, which I am not, but, what about spirit creatures?

By definition, albeit loosly defined, if you believe in angels, or demons, do they not dwell in a parallel dimension? Not an alternate reality, as if another version of us. But it is a realm in which they live, that we cannot see, yet exists. Though we are mostly unaware of their presence, the persons in this realm can walk next to us, through us, around us. In which case, as the spirit world would have been here first, we are the alernate dimension.

*Insert twighlight zone music* DEEDLE deedle DEEDLE deedle

What do you think?

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