Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What is happening to communication

The other day I saw a lady walking her two daughters to school, one was young, and the other was a young teen. I smiled, it was nice to see, a great chance for Mom to talk and bond with her daughters, and good opportunity for them to voice any concerns. The young girl was between Mom and Big Sis, she looks up at one, then the other, then looks down at her feet, walking along. Then I realized, both Mom, and Sis, have their ear buds in.

Last week I had breakfast with my mom. I noticed the people around the restaurant enjoying their food, and their company, sort of. Cell phones ringing, buzzing, beeping. One table had two gentlemen, who were each on their cell phones through the arrival of a lady, and for a good ten minutes following. Then they all sat visiting and eating, but in a short bit, all three of them are trying to have productive conversations... over the phone.

I drive school bus now and again. Among all of the kids that are loud, laughing, goofing off, is a growing number of kids with their nose, not in a book, but in their PSP or some such device. "I'm in chat room two" they tell each other across the aisle. While the bus driver in me appreciates the ensuing silence, I am alarmed.

What are we coming to? What are we doing to ourselves, and our society?
Why is having a tune in our ear more important than being in tune with our children?
Why is the person who calls during breakfast more important then those who join us for breakfast?
Why are we more comfortable trying to voice our emotions into texts, than hearing emotion in our friend's voice?
How far will we degress? Will text hugs and kisses replace actually reaching out to someone? Will phone or cyber sex be as prevelant as actually touching someone, is it already? LOL instead of belly laughs, tears and kness slapping with real people? :D :) :P :O :( :'( because we don't know anyone well enough to tell them how we feel?

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