Thursday, September 9, 2010


Graphology is fasinating. Most are very sceptical. Scientific research has found no clear correlation between handwriting behavior and basic personality patterns, so scepticism is understandable. Though there hasn't been very much support or funding to conduct extensive research in the area.
Accuracy depends much on the ability of the person making the analysis, and the honesty of the person being analyzed. People don't like to admit to traits that they don't like about themselves, and so will insist that some things are incorrect.
However, any time that I have taken the time to do an in depth handwriting analysis, the subjects have been relatively impressed with the results. And I am not at all experienced at this.
It has stirred up questions though.
Is it related to hand reflexology? (Another area that invites much scepticism) As we shift the writing utensil in our hand, it could press on many different finger points, and palm points. Some such points may be tender, due to various health issues, chronic and otherwise. Chronic issues in particular are linked to our mental and emotional well being, which directly effects our behaviour and personality traits. (and also effect our physical traits, but that is a post for another time, if I remember some other time) So, could the things noticed in graphology indicate health concerns as well? Certain ways of writing indicate an emotional person, perhaps this is because the person has a hormonal imbalance, that creates a tender button that they avoid with the pen? Are some person more sexual or spiritual because they hold the pen in such a way that stimulates these areas? And it is said that we can work on areas of our personality that we are unhappy with by changing the writing habit that is indictive of this characteristic. Could this be that a) we are are directing the pressure differently against our palm and fingers, thus no longer contacting specific reflexology points, and/or b) everytime we conciously change how we write a letter we are thinking about the fact we wish to improve some certain area of our behaviour, thus prompting the change?
HmMmm, so many questions!

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